Women’s Rights and Gender Justice
Introduction: Humans are social beings. However,in male dominated societies like India,there are still many barriers to women's rights and gender justice. Therefore, the rights of every human being in the society are discussed below.
What is social rights: In simple words, rights are the common claims of people which every civilized society recognises as essential claims for their development, and are therefore enforced by the state.
Why women's rights are needed in Society: Equality in decision making economic and social freedom equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one's choice. In order to promote gender equality,we need to the empowerment of women and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being.
Women's Rights and Gender Justice
Gender inequality is a powerful predictor of poverty and injustice in our world today. Discrimination, persecution, and violence against people based on their gender identity, race, or sexual orientation threaten the safety and dignity of millions of people in the US and around the world. LGBTQIA+ people of color, in particular, face some of the highest rates of marginalization in the world.
Guided by 11 feminist principles, Oxfam advocates for gender equality so that every person has the same chance at success. We promote feminist leadership, supporting women and girls to defend their economic rights, to influence more of the decisions that affect their lives, and to gain financial independence. We work with young people to challenge patriarchal attitudes that drive abuse and keep women and nonbinary people poor. We also support men and boys to challenge harmful gender stereotypes, create greater balance in the sharing of household responsibilities, and promote nonviolence within families and communities.
Achieving gender equality also means campaigning for bold investments in care infrastructure to support women who depend on affordable childcare to work and provide for their families. We advocate for wealthy and large companies to pay their fair share of taxes to better fund social safety net programs and improve pay for care workers. We fight for paid parental and sick leave policies that put parents of all genders on equal footing, unlocking economic potential and the building blocks of a more caring world. We also advocate for equal pay for equal work so that women, particularly migrant women and women of color, are no longer undervalued and underpaid.
Currently, 153 countries have laws that promote gender discrimination. When women are denied education, are unable to safely exercise their rights, and cultures and communities enable discrimination—thereby passing on patriarchal attitudes and beliefs—this devalues the position of women compared to men on household, national, and global levels, all of which perpetuate the inequality they experience.
The benefits of gender equality: Gender equality helps prevent violence against women and girls and makes our communities safer and healthier. It is a human right and it is good for the economy.
Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls : condoning violence against women
men’s control of decision-making and limits to women’s independence
rigid gender roles and stereotypes
male relationships that emphasise aggression and disrespect towards women
Gender equality makes our communities safer and healthier : Unequal societies are less cohesive. They have higher rates of anti-social behaviour and violence. Countries with greater gender equality are more connected. Their people are healthier and have better wellbeing
What can construction companies do to improve gender equality?
Gender inequality in construction. ...
Overlooking female talent. ...
Women leaders in construction. ...
Raising awareness. ...
Addressing the pay gap. ...
Changing perception and reducing stigma. ...
Strategy for change.
The rights enshrined in the constitution for women in India are as follows:
Article 14: Equality before the lawThe the state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India. This provision provides equality to those who are discriminated in Indian society. It safeguards the dignity of all the minor sections including women.
Article 15: Article 15 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex, religion, race, caste or place of birth. No citizen has the right to discriminate against the individual on the basis of aforesaid criteria. The state shall not discriminate any person and deprived them of any List of Committees for Wome
State Level Empowerment Committee for recommendation of Proposal received from NG0s.
State Level Executive Committee (to review Mission Shakti)
A State Level Task Force under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Home Department to review and strengthen the functioning of MahilaEtSishu Desk-Member Convenor.
State Level Co-ordination Committee to Combat Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children. (Member-Convenor).
State Level Complaints Committee on Sexual Harassment of Women at the workplace.(Commissioner-cum- Secretary-member).
State Level Steering Committee headed by the Chief Minister, Orissa to take policy decision on Mission Shakti(Director-Member Convenor).
District Level Committee on Prevention, Rescue Et Rehabilitation for victims of trafficking.
Sub-Division aPanchayatSamiti level committee on Prevention, Rescue Et Rehabilitation for victims of trafficking.
District level Project Appraisal Committee for recommendation of Proposal received from NG0s
Conclusion: By discussing the above topics, we have got a brief idea about women's rights and gender justice and we have claimed the importance of this topic in the society.
**Author:- Dipangshu Dutta, a Student of Snehangshu Kanta Acharya Institute of Law, Kalyani University